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Kenneth Curtis
Aug 21, 2023
if only tomorrow...
If only heaven was a tomorrow away, Maybe my heart would beat harder. I sit quietly alive; an empty pulse Praying for an unexpected...
Kenneth Curtis
May 5, 2023
Eroded Faith
Imagine. Not believing, And asking for help. The convenience of faith A blown candle; The silhouette of an unbaptized prayer That crashes...
Kenneth Curtis
Oct 13, 2022
What If's
What’s if’s, The ambiguity of expectation Like the simplicity of tomorrow That may never arrive, And never thinking it won’t. It growls,...
Kenneth Curtis
Feb 14, 2022
Cupid's Hit List
My inner demons, Better known as fears Crawl out of the mind In reflections of the pain I escaped Or believed I did Waiting patiently on...
Kenneth Curtis
Aug 29, 2021
If Men Were Gods...
A hand planted rose bush, Blossomed into promiscuous posters; False advertisements Of the beauty hidden deep Battling its exterior demons...
Kenneth Curtis
Dec 31, 2020
Sweet Nothings
Do butterflies tickle? Or just an allergic reaction to moments, Containing you? Coughing up laughs, And unwanted smiles Whom rip through...
Kenneth Curtis
Dec 17, 2020
Lonely gaze Directed at the bottom of trash cans Where my halo came to rest Alongside unwanted goodbyes That lap the dreams aborted by...
Kenneth Curtis
Dec 11, 2020
The Mother, The Daughter, & The Unholy Ghost
Hidden behind zip locked lips Whom never released the pain, Stored in frigid heart movements That blossomed grave flowers; Love’s...
Kenneth Curtis
Oct 24, 2020
The hour hand crawls, The minute hand rides slow, And the second hand isn't guaranteed. Breathes taken for granted, That unspoken...
Kenneth Curtis
Nov 5, 2019
Scarred Emotions
Suicidal love; A personal attempted murder Emotions left naked And heart abandoned, Arrested by unspoken agony And imprisoned by 3 am...
Kenneth Curtis
Oct 1, 2019
Buried Crown
I stay quiet; silence As I crawl through shadowed valleys Absent of death Covered in Phoenix ashes; Return label attached Hopping over...
Kenneth Curtis
Jul 25, 2019
Abstract Fractures
Whispers of faith tip toe on ear lobes Empty prayers Submerged Into my darkest thoughts And the echoes of mortality Staring back at The...
Kenneth Curtis
Mar 23, 2019
Insanity's Casket
Meditation; Silence The equilibrium in both Brewing hatred in directions that once yielded love; Or the idea of it all Dying inside the...
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